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Healing Modalities
Description of different healing modalities I use:



Brennan Healing
Science Practitioner

My encounter with Ms. Mazon dates back to 2001 when she participated in the Gestalt training program I was offering. Over the years, she continued taking the advanced training programs in Gestalt theory and methodology. I also had the opportunity to co-present two seminars with Ms. Mazon titled “The Relationship between Emotions, Cognitions and the related Energetic Continuum” and “Love”.

About Sintia Mazon | Healing Modalities | About The Sessions | FAQ | On The Road to My heART | Testimonials | Recommended Reading | Links | Contact
Sintia Mazon Contact Information
Office Address: Akatlar Mah. 5. Gazeteciler Sitesi Gelincik Sok. A17/1 No:43
Levent Beşiktaş/İstanbul
Tel: 0212 212 06 63
Ofis Adres Tarifi: Akatlar Mayadrom'un önünden sağa doğru ilerleyin, daha sonra sola aşağıya yokuştan girin, az ilerde GULDESTE SOKAK'dan sağa içeri girin (Danışman Kuafor'ün oradan). Palmiye ağaçlı göbekten aşağıya dönün, caddeye inmeden, soldaki kaldırım taşlı sokak. (A2B sürücü kursunun olduğu sokak). O sokaktan içeri girin 30 mt ileride kahverengi garaj kapılı bina.
Copyright 2009 Sintia Mazon - Photos by Canan Öner - Site Designed by Oğuzhan Seçir